Page name: Foxx Galary [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-05-11 20:36:08
Last author: Wes Foxx
Owner: Wes Foxx
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~The Art Galary of [Wes Foxx]~


These pictures go from oldest at the top to newest at the bottom, so it'll be about 5 or 6 pictures before they start looking that good.

1. Kick Back & Relax
One of my first colored pieces, and for a long time one of my best. Till I got better at art anyways.

2. Father & Son
I usually don't do outright cute but this is an exception, & yes, the little fox is his son.

3. Portal Cannon
This is a little drawing I made since when I thought up the spell to open my gateways back to my den or inside the Order of Inari temple itself, I liked the mental picture of myself casting it alot, so I drew this. Wish I could have made an animation instead but its still good.

4. Too Close!
This is one of my earlier works. Did a lot of retouching when i colored it. Decided since hes got blue hair hes gotta have blue eyebrows, right? =P

5. Energy Cannon II
Cannon I is #3, Portal Cannon. This one I like alot. I dunno how the heck i managed to draw this well but i did. The coloring turned out really good too

6. Odd-Foxx
This is a character that I created by drawing the hair and working down until I got this end result. Its supposed to be like Gene Starwind's hair from Outlaw Star. I countered that in the colored version by making his hair orange. which is, conveniently, the opposite of blue Oo

7.Fire Surfer
Try to come up with a cool pose and I get this. Mission successful =P I borrowed off of my OddFoxx style for the hair, I think I may adopt that perminently Oo

8.Assasin Foxx
This isn't my style in its entirety, but I like the end result. Wes looks like some sort of mob gangster or assassin Oo

This one was a fuller picture but I tried to draw it in perspective and it went to heck, so I 'artfully' ripped it, making it look like a lost piece of writing, hence the title.

Eh... I have issues with drawing myself regularly but this is just craptastic X3 my glasses turned the picture me insanely evil, and both of their hands are teeeeeeny Xx Many re-draws when coloring will be expected -mumbles-

11.Odd in Perspective
A random doodle slowly worked its way into one of my rare perspective drawings, using my alternate character Odd Foxx. I'll have to give him a background if I keep using him for pics like this.

This is what I'd call a bad drawing at my skill level. The face on the foremost one? blah. just blah. blah blah blah blah blah, The head's too short, and the one in the background has almost no mouth Xx

13.Assassin II
This one didn't turn out as good as the first >< its very blah =/ oh well.

14.Got Evil?
Self-explanitory =P old enough to also be found in the Screebles collection, but good enough to be shown here

15.Midnight Rose
A sort of request from [Katori PureHeart], but still an original picture. I decided to place it here instead of other artist stuff for sake of convenience. One of my very rare background pictures.

<center>16. Capitan Wes
I missed the deadline for the New Crew contest in Anthro Pirates but that doesn't mean I can't do one anyways =P

To Foxx Galary II

Im willing to do art request and art trades, but I won't be doing commissions. That means I won't be paid to draw ;3 I don't like that kinda pressure, and would have no way to collect any moneys anyways =P

For my low-quality or ancient stuff dug up from the grave via my scanner, go to my collection of "Screebles"

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2005-01-14 [Tiger Shark]: Mwahaha, I beat you all to the first comment!! I shall rule!! Hahahaha!!!!....oh wait...*cough* sorry...these are really great drawings ^-^

2005-01-16 [Wes Foxx]: All 3 of these have had a bunch more work done on them so this place will be completely different lol

2005-01-16 [Wes Foxx]: colored all 3 and added Too Close

2005-01-17 [Just Paula]: ooo those are awesome i especially like the last one

2005-01-17 [Wes Foxx]: yeah, but i like the new last one more, dont you?

2005-01-17 [Just Paula]: that is good *mutters something under breath about a hot pose*

2005-01-17 [Wes Foxx]: Oo oookay. I was going for a DBZ style thing...

2005-01-17 [Just Paula]: lol sorry im kinna hyper

2005-01-17 [Wes Foxx]: lol o.o;

2005-01-17 [Just Paula]: i say bad things when im hyper.... specially when ive been around my friend all day... she corrupts me

2005-01-17 [Wes Foxx]: hyper evil contagiousness o.o

2005-01-18 [Just Paula]: lol

2005-01-22 [Wes Foxx]: ive decided to make this a gallary of all things Foxx, so its gonna have everything I draw as well as any character picture submissions

2005-01-22 [Just Paula]: ooooooooo

2005-01-23 [raynesprite]: energy cannon II is AWESOME!^-^

2005-01-23 [raynesprite]: btw...this is for you^^ youve made a friend <img:>

2005-01-23 [raynesprite]: GOD I LOVE LENS FLARE!! lol^^

2005-01-23 [Wes Foxx]: I love it ^^ yay lens flare! =)

2005-01-23 [Just Paula]: I HAVE A NEW KEY BOARD!!! YAY!! or rather an old one... but it works better than my old one

2005-01-23 [Wes Foxx]: yeah i noticed all the weird mis-spacings and the lack of control on the letter 's'

2005-01-23 [Just Paula]: the a key didnt work on my other keyboard either.... i had to use paste

2005-01-24 [raynesprite]: o0" yikes sounds horrible

2005-01-24 [Just Paula]: very terrible

2005-01-24 [Wes Foxx]: Today i just went into a drawing frenzy and all the stuff turned out good lol, i got to thinking 'oh crap its sunday, the weekend is almost over. what do i always want to do when im at school that i dont?' so i just started drawing

2005-01-24 [Just Paula]: tomorrow i dun have schoool^_^ yay fer no school!!!!!!!

2005-01-24 [raynesprite]: o.-*yawns* darn I wish I didnt have school...

2005-01-24 [Wes Foxx]: same here, and with all this snow X_x maybe we'll get more and they'll give us a delay

2005-01-24 [Wes Foxx]: hey, ive got a for-from thing going with my Other Art stuff, so now I HAVE to do one for [raynesprite] =D

2005-01-24 [Just Paula]: awwwwwwwwwww im so cute!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-01-24 [Wes Foxx]: your welcome ^^

2005-01-24 [Just Paula]: ty muchly

2005-01-24 [Just Paula]: ur getting lots of practice at drawing girls lately

2005-01-24 [Wes Foxx]: yeah its a helpful change of pace

2005-01-24 [Just Paula]: ooo i finished the fitzed and colored version of inari for that contest.. now i just gotsta get it on the comp.....but my camera has to charge

2005-01-28 [Zab]: Cool pics! Espesially those not colored (but I´m crazy in blyant pics...hehe)

2005-01-28 [Just Paula]: blyant?

2005-01-28 [Wes Foxx]: I've got a bunch more done, im just too lazy to scan them in XP

2005-01-29 [raynesprite]: lol

2005-01-29 [Wes Foxx]: and a few of them are actually making it in my little black sketchbook, an art contest bonus gift thing that i only use for my best stuff. Its why #1 and #4 look like they're exactly the same size

2005-01-29 [raynesprite]: yep...

2005-01-29 [Wes Foxx]: Im having a poll for my best artwork: <poll:42813>

2005-01-29 [Zab]: We´ll check it out then!

2005-01-29 [Just Paula]: i started tackleing the job of coloring the interior of the order building..... i have some parts ectioned off but i have no idea how to go about coloring it

2005-01-29 [Wes Foxx]: just ask me if you need to know particular colors of things

2005-01-29 [Just Paula]: well i need to know what things are so as i know how to color them.... like whats that thing in the middle

2005-01-29 [Wes Foxx]: its a sort of display pedistal, made of marble. The lines running across it have energy flowing through them. In the center opening is the tablet that is also the order badge

2005-01-29 [Just Paula]: ok what about the dark things surrounding it?

2005-01-29 [Wes Foxx]: those are either the lines running from it, more of the power things, the pools of the same energy (they're wedge shaped) or the 9 bridges crossing over the pools. my advice is to make the energy an electric blue, i always described it as looking like liquid sapphires

2005-01-29 [Just Paula]: mmkay

2005-02-01 [Wes Foxx]: Xx im in an art slump right now so dont expect anything new for a bit, at least not anything as good as i've been doing Xx

2005-02-02 [Just Paula]: omg my friend nominated one of my drawing for drawing of the day... im so nervous/humiliated as i am a horribe drawer....

2005-02-20 [Tiger Shark]: rawr

2005-02-20 [Wes Foxx]: I wish someone would do that for me... -cough cough- >_>

2005-02-20 [Just Paula]: omg i was so mad at her for it tho. she told me at school in art and i was like YOU DID WHAT?! and then people looked at me funny... you can even ask her [¤ WORLDS ¤happiest¤ EMO ¤™]

2005-02-20 [Just Paula]: this seems like a perfectly good place and time to bring up my galleries for no reason *coughAnthro Mafia GalleryDeRANgeD Gallerycough*

2005-02-20 [Wes Foxx]: lol im about to upload 4 new ones =P

2005-02-20 [Just Paula]: i like the history characters

2005-02-20 [Just Paula]: specially the tiger!! my very first anthro was a tiger one...

2005-02-20 [Wes Foxx]: Eh... Arcatius doesnt look nearly as good scanned as it does irl ><

2005-02-20 [Wes Foxx]: <poll:44988> Vote for your favorite

2005-03-03 [Duhe Rahn]: Hmm.. Your skills are slightly unrefined but your art is still very good. May I recomend you try and use pencil to try and shade a second draft of your work before coloring it fully?

2005-03-03 [Wes Foxx]: howso? when i color i like to leave a sort of grainy look to the color in many places; sort of a white undertone. its also good for making the pencils last longer with fewer occasions of the tip breaking.

2005-03-03 [Duhe Rahn]: I mean using the same pencil that you do the orignal with, and it's easy to get rid of the grainy lokk without using more of the pencil

2005-03-03 [Wes Foxx]: nonono, you dont get it. i deliberately do that. its part of my style. If i do solid color work, ill use Paint or paint (cpu vs irl lol)

2005-03-03 [Duhe Rahn]: you already said that you do the grain on purpose, I'm just saying you could get some bette color if you planned it out in black and white first.

2005-03-03 [Wes Foxx]: i dont know what you mean then oO i do some light pencil shading before i actually color it

2005-03-03 [Duhe Rahn]: thats what I mean. you should do more than one draft of each picture, something out the little mistakes and stuff.

2005-03-03 [Wes Foxx]: yeah, my only problem with that is that i can never draw the same picture twice; even theoretically tracing it will loose much of its value. The skill is in the fact that i use the sketch. If i dont i loose the detail that i can only get once, by having to draw each of the lines with all the little short strokes

2005-03-03 [Duhe Rahn]: then do you have a scanner? you can use a scanner to make a copy and practise on that.

2005-03-04 [Wes Foxx]: the problemb is i have no printer, so it makes no difference; the original still is the one getting colored, though i suppose i can always go back to the uncolored scans to do a computer color job.

2005-03-04 [Duhe Rahn]: That could work, but computer colouring does nightmares on quality.

2005-03-04 [Zab]: Do you color in paint or photoshop?

2005-03-04 [Duhe Rahn]: I do not draw, but I have studied techniques extensively ((please, do not ask)) The only things I can do are weaponry and what I can see, and I can only do it in black and white pencil.

2005-03-04 [Zab]: extensively? what does that word mean? I was asking foxx..But please continue: I didn´t really understand what you meant

2005-03-04 [Duhe Rahn]: I mean I've studied alot of different drawing techniques. I can't draw worth a shit but I know how to draw like a master, irony is cruel.

2005-03-04 [Zab]: Can´t you show me a pic? I´m the vice verca: I can draw pretty well but I don´t know how...

2005-03-04 [Duhe Rahn]: I also have no scanner or digital cam and I'm at school. My art is painted upon the canvas of the mind, letting it shape itself into art of the soul.

2005-03-04 [Zab]: aha....I don´t have a scanner neither..yet. Well your art sounds interresting enough...if you wanna se mine look at free art wiki if you havn´t alreaddy been.

2005-03-04 [Duhe Rahn]: I'm afraid my art is not that of sight, but that of words and thought. For me to show you, you would need to open your mind to words.

2005-03-04 [Zab]: you mean you write? *i´m a bit slow today, obviosly*

2005-03-04 [Just Paula]: oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo*looks in fascination at all the prettyful drawings*

2005-03-04 [Zab]: yeah, arn´t they fine?

2005-03-04 [Just Paula]: yeah

2005-03-04 [Just Paula]: i collect stuffed animals and i was gunna draw a picture of a bear beanie baby i got for my birthday and it ended up as one of my anthros and it looks absolutely nothing like my beanie baby so anybody who saw the two would think i musta been on something when i drew it lol

2005-03-04 [Wes Foxx]: Sorry, nope. all i have is the standard Paint program and the photolab type tool that came with the scanner, which cant really do much of ANYTHING except crank up the contrast and stuff. And i also am a master of writing upon the chalkboard of thought and the canvas of the soul. I have a talent for the visual, the poetic, and the linguistic. I can almost convince myself to accept it when people tell me in athletic and entertaining as well, sorta like when they tell me im a great artist. i dont think im a great artist, i just think i can draw. if i could copy these jawdropping, crystal-clear images i get in my mind of what im trying to draw, i would make MILLIONS.

2005-03-04 [Just Paula]: you are most definately a writer... i wish i could write... the only half decent thing i ever wrote was a descriptive paper for english class

2005-03-04 [Wes Foxx]: I can see this stuff as if it was real, if not more than real. think of the cool, velvety, sharp color you get with colorshop works. multiply that by 5 and you get what my minds eye can see. I can create a mental video clip of all my characters in full color and animation as they move, talk, etc.

2005-03-04 [Just Paula]: yeah i can see awesome characters in my head too... i just wish other people could see them cuz once i get them down on paper i horribly maime them

2005-03-04 [Duhe Rahn]: [Wes Foxx] I do the same with my visualization art.

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